

 Hi there!

Here goes a reminder of the homework for the holidays:
-Vocabulary Bank, p.236 (Phrases with GET) - to be checked in class.
-Do the grammar worksheet given out in class (7A Grammar) - to be checked in class - plus the extra handout with My Grammar Lab exercises.


-Do the following reading Comprehension exercise:

-And make a video of yourself how you will spend these holidays (on Flipgrid) - see previous entry.


What are you planning to do over the Christmas season this year? Are you going to get together with your family? Are you travelling within Cantabria? In short, how are you going to "survive" these Christmas holidays? Record yourself on a one-minute-and-a-half video telling us all about it!

You'll have to use your educantabria email address to log in and then use the code for the activity.  It'll be open until the 31st of January.

Record your video on Flipgrid